Self-discipline. Yet another key to understanding and demonstrating
respect. The most difficult, the least popular element of respect. Yet absolutely essential. Here’s why.
When you cannot control yourself, your actions, the words you say and when you say them...if you let bad habits, carelessness, laziness become you, you disrespect yourself. And when you disrespect yourself, it is impossible to respect others.
The professional theatre, the film and television industry, music, gaming, fashion, art, dance, et al...these pursuits require uncommon amounts of self-discipline. Actors, writers, directors, designers...each of them find ways to focus and commit to their jobs, to work tirelessly, to study and learn...to
respect their craft and those who collaborate with them.
Clint Eastwood—Oscar-winning actor, producer, and director—says this: “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power."
I’m looking for students who are capable of bringing powerful performances to my stage here at J.L. Mann. Without question, it will be those individuals that demonstrate self-discipline—work hard, study, ask questions, rehearse-rehearse-rehearse,
learn their lines, keep their bodies in performance shape—who earn the right to have the most challenging roles, the most exciting on-stage (or backstage!) opportunities.
I’m telling you guys, this respect stuff...it’s what I’m all about!