Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Writing

Four rising seniors (Phillip Calvin, Ross Ovington, Michael Real, and Knox White) have been selected to serve on a writing team for next spring's production. This past weekend we started the process. Our goal is to have a finished draft of the as-yet-to-be-titled play by late September.
Please know that this is a highly unusual and ambitious plan for any high school. Writing a play is much more difficult than it looks. It requires good ideas, yes...but great discipline. I think our team will do well.
If you are interested in writing a play or film, I HIGHLY recommend that you join Script Frenzy. Starting June 1, thousands of people all across the world will embark on a one-month writing project: writing a full-length play or screenplay. By registering (FREE) at the site, you are privileged to terrific tips and tricks of the trade. (I'm planning to write a play with Script Frenzy this June, myself.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

greattt. i wanted to do something like this. =]

8:06 PM  
Blogger Kyle Ames said...

My big question is the writing styles. I've read Knox's, Michael's, and Ross' writings, and they are quite different. I'm curious if there will be different sections for each, a combinate with everyone writing at a semi-real-time or a different approach to this hurdle. Anyway, good luck to y'all.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... think too much Kyle.

Don't worry about it. They've got it under control.

RP out.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well see....I like how you're having them all write sections and then email them to you. :D


6:40 PM  

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