Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Summer LACKlusters

Is there a good film in theaters this summer?
All I hear about is how awful PIRATES III and SPIDERMAN III are. I saw SHREK THE was OK, I guess...nothing to get excited about, though.
OCEANS 13 looks good, and I've heard that KNOCKED UP is pretty great. MR. BROOKS? BUG? WAITRESS is supposedly really good, but it's not playing here yet...or is it?
What have you heard? What have you seen? Anything good?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno...Spidey was okay, but it was also 3 hours --- which means way too long. Too much focus on Peter and Mary Jane. But Venom was awesome, so that made me happy.

Pirates was great. I dunno who's saying it was bad -- sure, some parts make you tilt your head and go, "Uh...what?" but for the most part, I loved it. So did Kevin.

I'm not big on seeing Bug 'cause horror movies as of late have dissapointed me. Mr. Maybe. Not too sure.


11:36 AM  
Blogger Ross Ovington said...

I enjoyed Pirates 3. I'm not sure what all of the fuss is about. They did something a little different than the easy to follow pirate story of the first one. This was more like pirates meets Lord of the Rings (which turns out to be a lot more fun than sitting through LOTR for 3 hours). It has a very epic feel with a plot that tends to get lost at times, but a few scenes later you tend to catch on.

I was surprised at how well it was paced. Usually movies like this tend to be rushed or they don't let us spend enough time with the characters. I think that's what happened with the second one. That and it had no closure. Pirates 3 really only had to tie up a few things left hanging in the second one. In theory, they could have ended it in about an hour, but they made good use of their time and turned it into something really kick ass.

I'm still not sure if this is my favorite of the trilogy. It definately has the best opening of the three. If you haven't seen it yet you need to. Keep an eye out for a Keith Richards cameo and a short scene after the credits.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw pirates 3 a few days before mike real, knox and jay ran away to camp g-villle.

Visually, it was incredibly stunning. The costumes were amazing and the makeup artists...omg. I just want to shake their hands, it was absolutely incredible. But I think plot wise, it was supremely unfathomable, if you want to conclude that Pirates was supposed to be a triology.

Obviously, the first film was created to be the only film and not a continuing series, but because of the monetary gains from that film, two more were simply tacked on--and the poor end results extremely were obvious. Many of the plot lines seemed half thought out and many of the events seemed to hinder the movie's half-baked flow anyway. I mean, I love Pirates and I enjoyed watching POTC3---but I'd reccomend renting it if you don't have connections in the Camelot and can get in for free. :D


2:33 PM  
Blogger Kyle Ames said...

Knocked up is quite funny. It has cirque de sole or however you spell it. I found myself laughing hard a few times. If anyone has heard that laugh of mine, you would know what I'm talking about, it came out during the movie

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Brennan likes her Pirate movies spoon fed.

My advice, see it while it's still in theaters. Some things just have to be seen on the silver screen.

Still dead,

8:20 PM  
Blogger CW said...

There are a few neat-looking films coming out in July and August. And there's always something good...if not great...on DVD (Netflix!).


The Philadelphia Story
Conversations with Other Women
Skycaptain and the World of Tomorrow
Star Wars (Episode IV A New Hope)

10:59 PM  
Blogger Ross Ovington said...

I always wanted to see Skycaptain

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elephant is one of my favoriteeee movies.


7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skycaptain is a good movie. =]

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

III report card

SPIDER MAN = dreadful
SHREK = Cinematic fast food
PIRATES = Really good

2:49 PM  

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