Thursday, July 13, 2006

"I is what I is, not what I ain't."

One thing I keep hearing about teaching at Mann is how I have to be tough with the students early on. That they have no discipline. That they need more of a drill sergeant than a teacher. Frankly, it's a little intimidating because--though I am an actor--I really don't know how to fake being who I am.

I am a pretty enthusiastic, intense guy. I get very passionate about my students, and nothing pisses me off more than their apathy. Energy, noise, exuberance, even obnoxiousness I can work with. But "who cares?" That makes me crazy.

You guys are going to experience a very different kind of class when you're with me this fall. It will be fun, but extremely challenging. Some students will think I'm a total hard ass. Others will think I'm easy. As long as everyone respects each other, we'll get along fine.

Respect starts with KEEPING IT REAL. That means being yourself. Not faking, putting up a front...posing like you is what you obviously ain't.

So. Coach White. What I ain't? An easygoing, sweetheart of a drama teacher who can't wait to see you guys strut your stuff in SOUTH PACIFIC. What I is? Professional, passionate, in-your-face, hilarious, high-energy, smarter than you... and probably more respectful of you than you are of me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:04 PM  
Blogger CW said...

The auditorium is...well, the front row is too far from the stage, the stage itself is too short. But we'll make it work.

Anyone mind if we lose the billboards from past shows that adore the walls of the house?

11:40 PM  

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