Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year, MANN SHOW!

January marks an important transition for MANN SHOW 2007: production has begun on TREASURE ISLAND! Time to focus on making theatre, rather than watching it.

Jan. 3-12 Film Criticism. SOME LIKE IT HOT

Jan. 4 AUDITIONS. Mann Show members only. 6-8 PM.

Jan. 5 AUDITIONS. Mann Show members only. 4-6 PM.

Jan. 8 AUDITIONS. Schoolwide. 4-6 PM.

Jan. 9 AUDITIONS. Schoolwide. 6-8 PM.

Jan. 10 Callbacks. 4-7 PM.

Jan. 11 CAST ANNOUNCED. Midnight online, 8:00 AM posted on the stage door, 400 Hall.

Jan. 13 First Read-Through. 10 AM - 2 PM.

Jan. 16 Cast Conditioning Orientation. 10 AM - Noon.

Jan. 17-18 Film Criticism. THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO

Jan. 20 Set Building. 1-4 PM.

Jan. 22-24 Film Criticism. METROPOLIS

Jan. 27 Cast Vocal Rehearsal. 10-11:30 AM.

Jan. 29-31 Film Criticism. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK

Jan. 31 MANN SHOW 2007 Membership Meeting. 3:45 in the Auditorium.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Greetings

Courtesy of my favorite band: U2.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One week's growth.

In anticipation of the April 13, 2007 opening of Mann Show 2007's TREASURE ISLAND, male cast members will not be allowed to cut their hair or shave.

The director has decided to support his soon-to-be-named cast by forgoing haircuts and shaves until opening night.

Every couple of weeks, I will update the blog with photos of, progress.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Let's do THIS over the holidays...

Any takers?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

MANN SHOW 2007: Treasure Island

So...what do you think of our selection?

Looking forward to the show? Disappointed? Would you have preferred something else?

What roles interest you the most? What roles interest you the least?

(Oh, and what do you think of Brennan's costume renderings?)

I want to know what you think!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Everybody Comes to Rick’s

By Dean Schuster, leader of the December 14th film discussion of CASABLANCA.

You’re about to see CASABLANCA, likely for the first time, and I am jealous. CASABLANCA is a film that, for me, endures despite repeated viewings. I unapologetically love this film. Something in me wishes I could experience it again for the first time. And so I am jealous of you.

This film was made in 1942, in the very early stages of World War II when Allied victory was not yet certain. It’s black and white, and it consists primarily of dialogue centered on a simple plot. This may not seem like a recipe for a film you’ll love. But I beg to differ. If you have a pulse, you’ll find something to appreciate about it, possibly even to treasure. I dare you to hate it.

When you watch the film, listen closely for the dialogue, follow the characters closely, and pay attention to what the film is saying. We’ll start our discussion with a simple question: “What kind of film is this?”

Sunday, December 03, 2006

"Good day, Mr. Kubrick..."

In 1984, Stanley Kubrick placed ads throughout the United States requesting that aspiring young actors send in audition tapes for his film, FULL METAL JACKET.

This is one of them.