Monday, September 11, 2006

Mann-ly Artists Unite!

Men of Mann...I need your help.

I will be speaking to a group of arts teachers Friday in Columbia at a conference sponsored by a group called the South Carolina Alliance for Arts Education. My topic is "How to Integrate BOYS Into the Arts."

Basically, I'm going to be giving these folks some friendly tips on how they might make their dance, drama, music, or visual arts classes more appealing for guys. Studies show that girls dominate arts education classes in high schools across the country. Whereas I'm really glad for all these artistic ladies, I feel for my brothers!

Guys need arts, too. They help us learn to express our creativity, how to work with others under stressful circumstances, connect with our feelings and emotions...they can even help us score chicks!

So. What are your ideas? What would you tell these arts teachers? How can they make their programs more appealing to guys?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nude models? Well it would work. Maybe making some more hands on topics, such as wood craving, metal work or even trying to get the males to learn that art isnt for sissies, create manly things like cars or things other than still life of fruits. Im no expert so if these don't actually help sorry.

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can they make their programs more appealing to guys? Add more girls.

I really have no idea.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my ideas would be to expand what the school system considers art. Boys are more interested in films, rock n' roll, comic books, violence, and comedy. I really think if the school system had a rock n' roll guitar class or a comic book art class, or a film class where you actually go out and make movies and have complete creative control, then a lot more people would be interested in school. We need to give kids more creative control also, we can't just say that art has to be THIS specific assignment about THIS specific theme. We need to tell them that they just make something that they know will entertain them. That's all I've got.

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that if people are truely interested in the arts, they aren't going to care what their friends think, or what anyone else thinks or even think twice about joining drama or whatever.
Therefore, the people who are in drama classes, or in plays or helping with plays or whatever, are the people who are truely passionate about that.
Maybe it's just that girls really do have more interest in the arts. You can't point your finger at a guy and try to convince him to join. They have to want to do it.
The way to get people who are interested to join a drama class or club or whatever is to advertise around the school. Make it known to everyone that there is a class or club and that it is taking members. Of all sexes, races, whatever.
It's great to have a lot of people in a club or class that you are passionate about, but you can't have people in a class like that, that are only interested in meeting hot chicks. It would take the fun out of teaching it, and it would probably annoy the hell out of some of the "chicks".

1:49 PM  
Blogger CW said...

Good points, all.

Perhaps the real issue has something to do with how the arts are presented to boys in the first the girlish-alternative to sports and scouts.

I, for one, came to see the arts in this way when I was a kid.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mann Drama Students -

Hope your year is off to a tolerable - if not interesting - start.

I am a J.L.Mann graduate, and drama student, from so many years ago you'll likely consider me obsolete. However, I assure you, my vast experiences would astound you. Or perhaps more accurately - be slightly interesting to you.

Nevertheless, I have a question that directly relates to you and your kindred spirits: have any of you yet encountered the Ghost of Mann Theatre? Yes...the ghost.

5:59 PM  

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